Univerza v Ljubljani

Fakulteta za strojništvo

Laboratorij za CAD - LECAD


Seminarska naloga pri predmetu Osnove in postopki konstruiranja

Avtor: Uhan Primož

Mentor: mag. Leon Kos dipl.inž.

Kazalo vsebine

Definicija naloge-Definition

Vrnitev na kazalo
Izdelati je potrebno enostaven model tovornjaka, na katerem bodo prilepljene osnovne teksture.

The assigment is to build a simple model of a truck with basic textures on.


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Basic lines and curves

At the begining we first draw some basic curves and lines. We draw in 2D in diferent views. For drawing lines and curves we use icons Line,New curve CVS... from Curves menu. For modifying alredy drawen curves we can use Curve editor from the Curve edit menu. For moving, rotating, scaling... we use Move, Rotate, Scale.. from the Curve edit menu. If we need more than one identical curves, we dont need to draw them again. We can use Duplicate odject from Edit menu. with this comand we can also rotate, scale or move curves and objects the same time.

Building surfaces

There is a several ways to build a surface. To model whells an tires, we can use Revolve from the Surface menu. To model front bumper, side boxes, the main frame... I used comand Extrude from the Surface menu. I also used comands Skin,Birail and Set planar. To see the results of our work, we choose Quick render from the Render menu. To make front lights and cooler mask, I draw a basic form of ligts and mask, and extrude it trough the front part of a cabin. than I used Trim surface from Edit survaces menu.

Deleting construction lines

When we have the whole model of a truck with all the surfaces, we can delete construction lines. To delete construction lines we use comand Pick object from Pick menu and pick the whole truck. To do that we just drag a window around the truck. Than we choose Del active from Delete menu.

Grouping surfaces

To make work easier, I decidet to group surfaces. So I choose all surfaces that should be like glas and name it. I also group all surfaces that shuold be like ruber, plastic, colored metal or cromed metal. To doo this i used comand Group from Edit menu. I also named grouped surfaces. I pick Information window from Information menu. To name group we choose the surface, double-click in the name window and type the name of group.

Creating elementary textures

We can make surfaces to look virtualy like real. We can make them like glas, stone, metal... To doo that we use comand Shaders from Windows-Multilister menu. With this comand we can change surfaces color, tipe of material, reflectivity... To make a new texture we choose New shader in Edit menu. Than we double-click in name box and type name for the shader. To edit shader we double-click shader. When we finished editing shader, we click Assign shader from Shading menu.

Seting lights

To make model more visible we can put lights aroud or inside of model. We can choose from list of diferent lights, such as spot light, enviroment... To set the lights we use Lights from Windows-Multilister menu. To set a new light we choose New lights in Edit menu. Than we double-click in name box and type name for the light. To edit light we double-click light. When we finished editing the light, we click Assign light.


Vrnitev na kazalo
Ko sem kot seminarsko nalogo pri predmetu Osnove in postopki konstruiranja izbral modeliranje, sem izbral modeliranje tovornjaka. Ker v definiciji ni bilo posebej definirano kakšen naj tovornjak bo, sem se odločil za model sedlastega vlačilca. Modeliranje je potekalo na delovni postaji Silicon Graphichs, v programu Alias Wavefront 8.5. Ker sem se s tem programom seznanil prvič, sem najprej začel risati enostavne modele grškega templja, klobuka in kitare. Nato sem se lotil tovornjaka. Tovornjak je narisan v razmerjih (dolžina/širina/višina), ki so enaka kot pri pravih vlačilcih. Sedaj ko je model končan in sem malo bolj spoznal program z njegovimi praktično neskončnimi možnostmi, vem da bi se dal model narediti zelo realistično.

Reševanje naloge

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