Picture gallery
Various PHOTO galleries
Gallery of images from E-GPR course:
E-GPR 2004
E-GPR 2003
E-GPR 2002
(big collection)
Links to galleries, some of them are quite large:
gallery of
pictures of visit of shipyard Uljanik in Pula, Croatia
(72 pictures, 483KB)
gallery of
pictures of cableway on Kriski podi
(59 pictures, 419KB)
gallery of
pictures of Vogel cable car
(111 pictures, 930KB)
gallery of
of present and past projects (21 pictures, 175KB)
gallery of
FE and CNC
pictures (18 pictures, 142KB)
gallery of slides for project of S turbine:
part 1
(25 pictures, 156KB)
part 2
(16 pictures, 84KB)
animation of water pressure in turbine:
(MPEG format - requires MPEG player!)
(MPEG format - requires MPEG player!)
Presentation in slovene language (predstavitve v slovenskem jeziku):
Predstavitev smeri
Konstruiranje 2002 (PPT)
na Fakulteti za Strojnistvo, Ljubljana (8MB)
Predstavitev smeri
Konstruiranje 2003 (PPT)
na Fakulteti za Strojnistvo, Ljubljana (8MB)
Predstavitev smeri
Konstruiranje 2004 (PPT)
na Fakulteti za Strojnistvo, Ljubljana (9MB)
Predstavitev smeri
Konstruiranje 2005 (PPT)
na Fakulteti za Strojnistvo, Ljubljana (21MB)
Predstavitev raziskovalnih dosezkov maj 2005 -
MPEG (500MB)
Predstavitve ob otvoritvi novega laboratorija v III/6 (nov 2005):
prof.dr. J.Duhovnik:
Center za celovit razvoj izdelkov
prof.dr. J.Duhovnik:
Projekti laboratorija LECAD
prof.dr. K.Kuzman, dekan:
Globalni izzivi in Fakulteta za strojnistvo
fotografije z otvoritve