Fusion Engineering and Technology
Plasma physics
- Fields
- Plasma theory
- PIC simulations
- Tokamak Core and SOL simulations
- Core and SOL coding
- references for years 2004 and 2005
- Ongoing Plasma Physics Projects:
- EURATOM-Slovenia Cost-Sharing Action Contract No. FU06-CT-2003-00321,
"Investigation of boundary conditions for fusion plasmas and their
implementation in existing and future simulation codes"
- Integrated Tokamak Modelling and Simulation (ITMS) Based on Existing Core and SOL Codes,
Project No. P16807-N08, supported by the Contract of Association between EURATOM and the
Austrian Academy of Sciences and by the Austrian Research Fund (FWF)
- WENDELSTEIN 7, Analysis of Narrow Support of W7 Magnet system under maximum design loads
- LOMAC (LOcal MAChining), Precise machining of the holes to accommodate various external
connections to the vacuum vessel of ITER (and similar devices)
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