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C.2 Predstavitev teles z mejami


Uvodna (Header) datoteka vsebuje definicije konstant in spremenljivk pri predstavitvi z mejami. Definirane so velikosti vozlov v vseh treh seznamih (toèke, krivulje in povr¹ine) in struktura podatkov v teh vozlih.

#define SURFACE_NODE_SIZE   128
#define CURVE_NODE_SIZE     256
#define POINT_NODE_SIZE     256

/* required by nurbs library */
#define NURB
#include "nurbh.h"
#include "nurbfns.h"

 * Structures definition for POINTS
typedef struct pointListElementSt {
  int ID;                           /* unique ID of point */
  PR_pts *nurbs;                    /* pointer to NURBS struct of point */
  int dumped;                       /* was current point drawn or not */
} pointListElement ;

typedef struct pointListNodeSt {
  pointListElement point[POINT_NODE_SIZE];      /* array of points in current 
                                                   node */
  int filled;                                   /* nubmer of filled elem.*/
  struct pointListNodeSt *prev;                 /* pointer to prev node */
  struct pointListNodeSt *next;                 /* pointer to next node */
} pointListNode ;

 * Structures definition for CURVES
typedef struct curveListElementSt {
  int ID;                           /* curve unique ID */
  PR_nurb *nurbs;                   /* pointer to NURBS struct of curve */
  int ok;                           /* is len of the curve calculated */
  double len;                       /* length of the curve */
  int dumped;                       /* was current curve drawn or not */
} curveListElement ;

typedef struct curveListNodeSt {
  curveListElement curve[CURVE_NODE_SIZE];      /* array of curves in current 
                                                   node */
  int filled;                                   /* nubmer of filled elem.*/
  struct curveListNodeSt *prev;                 /* pointer to prev node */
  struct curveListNodeSt *next;                 /* pointer to next node */
} curveListNode;

 * Structures definition for SURFACES
typedef struct surfaceListElementSt {
  int ID;                           /* unique ID of surface */
  PR_nurb *nurbs;                   /* pointer to NURBS structure of surface */
  double edgeLen;                   /* length of edges  */
  double area;                      /* area of the surface */
  int ok;                           /* are the area and edge length 
                                       calculated */
  int dumped;                       /* was current curface drawn or not */
} surfaceListElement ;

typedef struct surfaceListNodeSt {
  surfaceListElement surface[SURFACE_NODE_SIZE];    /* array of surfaces */
  int filled;                                       /* nubmer of filled elem.*/
  struct surfaceListNodeSt *prev;                   /* pointer to prev node */
  struct surfaceListNodeSt *next;                   /* pointer to next node */
} surfaceListNode;

typedef struct edgeBrepSt {
  curveListElement *curve ;         /* pointer to curve in list of curves */
  pointListElement *startPoint;     /* start point of edge */
  pointListElement *endPoint ;      /* end point of edge */
  struct edgeBrepSt *nextEdge;      /* pointer to next edge */
} edgeBrep;

typedef struct faceBrepSt {
  surfaceListElement *surface;      /* pointer to surface in list of surfaces*/
  int noEdges;                      /* number of edges of current face */
  edgeBrep *edge;                   /* pointer to list of edges */
  struct faceBrepSt *nextFace;      /* pointer to next face */
} faceBrep;

typedef struct BrepSt {
  int noFaces;                      /* number of faces of current object */
  faceBrep *face;                   /* pointer to list of faces */
} Brep ;

Janez KREK
Fri Jul 5 12:10:59 METDST 1996