Night light saver

For the front door one likes to have a low power light to be turned on daily at a specific time (twilight). One could have a light intensity sensor or use timer clock, to turn it on at a specific time. I choosed later. I think that 3 hours is a reasonable time for ON time.



Bridge can be used instead of four 1N4007 diodes. Note thad PIC processor uses DGND for GND. Supply resistor can be R1 can be changed up to 150k. Power NMOS transistor can be of any type which can whidstand current and voltage of the load. Mains resistor can be up to 4M7. See larger photo.

Postscript schematics, PDF or gschem,


Source light-timer-nosleep.asm (mpasmwin)

Dual target with flash 14F84PIC for development. Operation is as simple as it can be. It constantly counts 50Hz periodes and switches ON/OFF at a specific time.

;                                                                     *

;    Filename:	    light-timer-nosleep.asm                           *

;    Date:          16.5.03                                           *

;    File Version:  0.2.0                                             *

;                                                                     *

;    Author:        Leon Kos                                          *

;    Company:       LECAD - University of Ljubljana                   *

;                                                                     * 

;                                                                     *


;                                                                     *

;    Notes:                                                           *

;                                                                     *

;                                                                     *


	TITLE 'Light timer'

#define C508
#ifdef C508
	list p=12c508a
	#include <>
freemem		EQU	0x07
#define		MAINS	GPIO, 4
#define		LAMP	GPIO, 0
#define		IOPORT	GPIO
#define		OUT_SET 0x10
	list      p=16F84             ; list directive to define processor

	#include <>         ; processor specific variable definitions

freemem		EQU	0x0F
#define		MAINS	PORTB, 2
#define		LAMP	PORTB, 6
#define		OUT_SET  0x04



temp		EQU	freemem	;zacansni reg

state		EQU	freemem + 1 ; operating state for flags

pulse		EQU	freemem + 2 ; pulse delay

cnt		EQU	freemem + 3 ; delay counter

day		EQU	freemem + 4 ; counter

#define		SINUS	state, 0	; edge detector status

		ORG     0x1FF             ; processor reset vector

; Internal RC calibration value is placed at location 0x1FF by Microchip

; as a movlw k, where the k is a literal value.


		ORG     0x000             ; processor reset vector

#ifdef	C508
		movwf   OSCCAL            ; update register with factory cal value

;		goto	main		; we can program two times

;		ORG	0x80		; if the code size < 128bytes


		clrf	day		; clear day counter

		clrf	day+1
		clrf	day+2
		bcf	LAMP
		movlw	OUT_SET
		tris	IOPORT
		movlw	0xF8

		movlw	20		; count several periods

		movwf	cnt
stable_zero	btfss	MAINS		
		goto	stable_zero	; to stabilise line

stable_one	btfsc	MAINS		; to debounce when

		goto	stable_one - 1	; when plugging in

		decfsz	cnt, F		; mains

		goto	stable_zero

		bsf	LAMP	; switch on the LAMP

mainloop	btfss	MAINS
		goto	mains_zero
mains_one	btfsc	SINUS
		goto	mainloop
		bsf	SINUS	; raising edge


incday		incfsz	day, F		; increment day counter

		goto	day_check
		incfsz	day+1, F
		goto	day_check
		incf	day+2, F

day_check	movf	day, W		; check for round a day

		btfss	STATUS, Z	; if not goto 

		goto	hour_check	; hour check 

		movf	day+1, W
		xorlw	0xEB		; 0x41EB00 sine waves

		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	hour_check
		movf	day+2, W
		xorlw	0x41
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	hour_check
		bsf	LAMP		; lamp ON

		clrf	day		; day overlap

		clrf	day+1
		clrf	day+2
		goto	mainloop

hour_check	movf	day, W		; one hour is 0x2bf20 waves

		xorlw	60h
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	mainloop
		movf	day+1, W
		xorlw	0x3d
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	mainloop
		movf	day+2, W
		xorlw	0x08
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	mainloop
		bcf	LAMP		; lamp OFF

		goto	mainloop

mains_zero	btfss	SINUS
		goto	mainloop
		bcf	SINUS
		goto	mainloop

		END                     ; directive 'end of program'

Conclusion and future work

At such low power device it is possible that OFF time can be programmed with using watch dog timer timeout. This idea works as follows: At a selected time one turns ON the light. PIC constantly counts the periods elapsed. At selected time user shortly turns OFF mains power. Watchdog regeisters timeout that there is no signal at the MAINS pin ant saves elapsed ON time in register. User must shortly (in cca 5 seconds) turn ON the switch. The light will not turn on until next day. Duration is saved. The capacitior C1 and program must be low power designed to charge processor during the power shortage. This means using sleep command and WDT timeout. Here is basic idea.

; *
 ; Filename:
light-timer-wdt.asm *
 ; Date: 16.5.03
 ; File Version: 0.2.0 *

; *
 ; Author:
Leon Kos *
 ; Company: LECAD -
University of Ljubljana *
 ; * 

; *

; *
 ; Notes: not
working *
 ; *
 ; *

  TITLE 'Light timer'
 ;#define C508
 #ifdef C508
list p=12c508
	#include <>
freemem		EQU	0x07
#define		LAMP	GPIO, 0
#define		IOPORT	GPIO
#define		OUT_SET 0x08
	list      p=16F84             ; list directive to define processor

	#include <>         ; processor specific variable definitions

freemem		EQU	0x0F
#define		LAMP	PORTB, 6
#define		OUT_SET  0x08



temp		EQU	freemem		;temporary  reg

day		EQU	freemem + 1 	;sine wave counter

hour		EQU	freemem	+ 4	;time light is on 


		ORG     0x000             ; processor reset vector

#ifdef	C508
		movwf   OSCCAL            ; update register with factory cal value


main		movlw	OUT_SET
		tris	IOPORT

		btfsc	STATUS, NOT_TO	; watchdog timeout?

		goto	sleep_test
		btfss	LAMP
		bcf 	LAMP		; WD timeout.

		movf	day, W		; Set switch off time

		movwf	hour
		movf	day+1, W
		movwf	hour+1
		movf	day+2, W
		movwf	hour+2

sleep_test	btfss	STATUS, NOT_PD
		goto	mainloop	; wake up from sleep?

		bsf	LAMP
		clrf	day		; clear day counter

		clrf	day+1
		clrf	day+2
		movlw	20h		; two hours is 0x2bf20 waves

		movwf	hour
		movlw	05h
		movwf	hour+1
		movlw	00h
		movwf	hour+2


incday		incfsz	day, F		; increment day counter

		goto	day_check
		incfsz	day+1, F
		goto	day_check
		incf	day+2, F

day_check	movf	day, W		; check for 0x41EB00 sine waves

		btfss	STATUS, Z	; if not goto 

		goto	hour_check	; hour check

		movf	day+1, W
		xorlw	0Bh		; EB

		btfss	STATUS, Z
		goto	hour_check
;		movf	day+2, W

;		xorlw	41h

;		goto	hour_check

		bsf	LAMP		; lamp ON

		clrf	day		; day overlap

		clrf	day+1
		clrf	day+2		

hour_check	movf	day, W		; two hours is 0x2bf20 waves

		xorwf	hour, W
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		movf	day+1, W
		xorwf	hour+1,W
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		movf	day+2, W
		xorwf	hour+2, W
		btfss	STATUS, Z
		bcf	LAMP		; lamp OFF


		END                     ; directive 'end of program'

Last modified: Thu Nov 27 13:27:25 CET 2003