Triac is pulse driven with high Z between pulses. Pulses are -5V biased. The software is timed for 50Hz line.
;********************************************************************** ; * ; Filename: bip.asm * ; Date: 16.5.02 * ; File Version: 0.2.0 * ; * ; Author: Leon Kos * ; Company: LECAD - University of Ljubljana * ; * ; * ;********************************************************************** ; * ; Notes: Vacuum cleaner Speed control with remote RX/TX at 433Mhz * ; UP/DOWN speed with single button * ; * ; * ; * ;********************************************************************** TITLE 'Vacuum cleaner Speed control' #define C508 #ifdef C508 list p=12c508 #include <> __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _IntRC_OSC freemem EQU 0x07 #define MAINS GPIO, 3 #define TRIAC1 GPIO, 0 #define TRIAC2 GPIO, 1 #define LED GPIO, 4 #define BUTTON GPIO, 2 #define IOPORT GPIO #define TRIAC_ON 0xEC #define TRIAC_OFF 0xEF #else list p=16F84 ; list directive to define processor #include <> ; processor specific variable definitions __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _XT_OSC freemem EQU 0x0F #define MAINS PORTB, 3 #define TRIAC1 PORTB, 6 #define TRIAC2 PORTB, 5 #define LED PORTB, 2 #define BUTTON PORTA, 4 #define TRIAC_ON 0x9B #define TRIAC_OFF 0xFB #define IOPORT PORTB #endif RADIX DEC ;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS temp EQU freemem ;zacansni reg state EQU freemem + 1; operating state pulse EQU freemem + 2 ; pulse delay cnt EQU freemem + 3 ; delay counter debounce EQU freemem + 4 ; debounce counter #define SINUS state, 0 #define UP_DOWN state, 1 #define BUTTON_DEPRESSED state, 2 #define MIN_DELAY 30 ; minimum delay #define SAFE_DELAY 203-MIN_DELAY ; safe delay for at which triac is triggered #define MAX_DELAY 230-MIN_DELAY #define DEBOUNCE_TIME 10 ; in 20ms multiples ;********************************************************************** ORG 0x000 ; processor reset vector #ifdef C508 movwf OSCCAL ; update register with factory cal value ; goto main ; we can program two times ; ORG 0x80 ; if the code size < 128bytes #endif main movlw MAX_DELAY ; set default delay movwf pulse bsf UP_DOWN ; we are increasing bsf BUTTON_DEPRESSED clrf debounce ; clear debounce counter movlw TRIAC_OFF bsf LED tris IOPORT movlw 0xF8 ; timer set to T0CKI, WDT prescaler to 0 option movlw 50 ; count several periods movwf cnt clrwdt stable_zero btfss MAINS goto stable_zero ; to stabilise line clrwdt stable_one btfsc MAINS ; to debounce when goto stable_one - 1 ; when plugging in decfsz cnt, F ; mains goto stable_zero bcf LED clrf TMR0 mainloop btfss MAINS goto mains_zero mains_one btfsc SINUS goto mainloop bsf SINUS ; raising edge clrwdt call delay call oneshoot movlw 20 ; minimum samples in 20ms subwf TMR0, F ; C set if TMR0 >= W btfsc STATUS, C ; skip if less than goto button_pressed ;; to little clrf TMR0 ; button_depressed bsf BUTTON_DEPRESSED bcf LED clrf debounce goto mainloop button_pressed clrf TMR0 incf debounce, F movlw DEBOUNCE_TIME subwf debounce, W ; C if debounce >= W btfss STATUS, C goto mainloop ; count doubounce times before activating movlw 200 ; if debounce greater than 200 subwf debounce, W ; to protect from overflow btfsc STATUS, C decf debounce, F ; debounce is fixed to 200 btfss BUTTON_DEPRESSED goto not_depressed bcf BUTTON_DEPRESSED btfss UP_DOWN ; toggle UP_DOWN goto toggle_set bcf UP_DOWN goto not_depressed toggle_set bsf UP_DOWN not_depressed bsf LED btfss UP_DOWN goto speed_down decfsz pulse,F goto mainloop bcf UP_DOWN ; already max speed goto mainloop speed_down movlw MAX_DELAY subwf pulse, W btfsc STATUS, Z goto min_speed_reached incf pulse, F goto mainloop min_speed_reached bsf UP_DOWN goto mainloop mains_zero btfss SINUS goto mainloop clrwdt bcf SINUS call delay call oneshoot goto mainloop delay movlw MIN_DELAY addwf pulse, W movwf cnt ; delay = (cnt-1)*(5+(12-1)*3) + 4 ; max 9.66ms delay38us movlw 12 ; delay = cnt*38 - 34 us movwf temp delay3us decfsz temp, F ; delay3us = 2+(temp-1)*3, [2, 5, 8, ...] goto delay3us decfsz cnt, F goto delay38us retlw 0 oneshoot movlw SAFE_DELAY subwf pulse, W btfsc STATUS, C retlw 0 ; not safe so not triggered movlw TRIAC_ON tris IOPORT bcf TRIAC1 ;negative trigger bcf TRIAC2 ;fixed output state movlw 100 movwf temp oneshoot_d decfsz temp, F goto oneshoot_d movlw TRIAC_OFF tris IOPORT retlw 0 END ; directive 'end of program'