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Modeler environment

Modeler was developed to test superqudrics properties in CSG paradigm. Standard tools were used for code development. Open GL library is basis for 3D graphic representation and C language to implement ideas in real life.

Figure 3: Schematic of the geometric modeler

Figure 3 shows overview of the modeler environment. CSG kernel is closely attached to the 3D window due to performance issues. Kernel receives commands from command interpreter which lex and compile human readable input into kernel command messages. Basic set of commands and primitives can be extended with two kind of add-on functions provided externally. The simplest way is the macro inserting where series of parametrized commands can be grouped in a macro and used as extended modeler language. More complex and faster way is a compiled function. For this kind of extension interprocess communication (IPC) is used between modeler and user executable function. C language with appropriate libraries is intended for compiled functions. Such approach gives unlimited algorithmic extension to core application. For example: User can write its own user interface for different purpose than modeler was first intended.

Leon Kos
Wed May 27 11:00:46 CEST 1998